The Company registered with Registerar of Companies, Mumbai in the state Maharashtra under Ministry of Corporate Affairs and incorporated as "Khedapati Investments Limited" as on 24th October, 1980 with Registration No. 2332. It got it's Certificate for Commence of Business on 25th November, 1980. Subsequently Promoters of the Company decided to change the name of the  Company to "Indsoya Limited" which was approved by the Registrar on 01st June, 2005. The Comnpany is listed with Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and Delhi Stock Exchange. The Company is engaged in trading activity in Soya Deoiled Cake and Extraction as its main object.


Management of the Company

The Company Indsoya Limired managed by qualified and rich experinced Promoters and Directors. The Board of Directors of the Company are having vast experince in the field of dealing and trading of oil seeds and its various products. The Board comprises of both Executive and Non-Executive Directors as per Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI provisions. Below are the brief details about Directors, their qualification and experinces:   


1. Suvarna Ramchandra Shinde: Independent Director

2. Maharshi Anand Tomar: Independent Director

3. Kirit Ghanshyam Mutreja: Director

4. Lalita Ghanshyam Mutreja: Director

5. Lovely Ghanshyam Mutreja: Director

6. Ayushi Agrawal: Company Secretary


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